Monday, October 29, 2018

Happy Halloween and All Saint's Day!

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Good Afternoon to All!

Have a fa-BOO-ulous Halloween and loving All Saint's and All Soul's Day this week! 

A few gentle reminders:
  • Wednesday, October 31st - Halloween Party at 2:15 pm 
  • Thursday, November 1st - All Saint's Day Mass at 9:30 in the church 
  • Friday, November 2nd - Dia de Los Muetos Celebration at Pledge and Prayer 
  • Friday, November 2nd - 1st Trimester Ends 
  • Thursday, November 8th - Salt Dough Map Project immediately following Pledge and Prayer: We are still in need of parent volunteers. Please contact Mrs. Ezell if you can help. 
  • Thursday, November 15th - Grandview Dairy Field Trip
  • Friday, November 16th - Grandparent's Day Mass at 9:00 am with dismissal at 11:30 am 
  • Monday, November 19th - Pie Baking Day at school
  • Tuesday, November 20th - St. Vincent de Paul Service Project in the morning 
English Language Arts

There will be a spelling test on Thursday, November 1st. 

Grammar - We are continuing to review simple sentences, compound sentences, and complex sentences. We will have a quiz on them this Friday, November 2nd. 

Reading - We are taking a break from Journey's this week and will resume with Lesson 10 next week. 

Social Studies

We are continuing to read about Arizona's early land and will begin to discuss the 5 C's. Last week, there was a typo when it said we were on Ch. 3; we are actually working in Ch. 2. Thank you for understanding.


We are starting our third module; Multiplication and Division. We will begin by using the area model and perimeter. The students will also focus on arrays and how they relate to a multiplication fact.


We are continuing work with the microscope. We will be making a model of a compound microscope. There will be a vocabulary quiz on Friday, November 2nd.


We are writing a prayer for our Saint in honor of All Saint's Day this Thursday. 4A will be focusing on St. Lucy and 4B will be focusing on St. Vincent de Paul.

We will also continue work on our Joyful Mysteries in preparation for the St. Vincent de Paul trip.

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