Monday, October 22, 2018

1st Trimester is Ending Soon

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Happy Monday to All!

The 1st Trimester is ending soon; Friday, November 2nd. Please double check with your child that all missing assignments are turned in to the teacher.

Looking Ahead...
  • Wednesday, October 31st - Buddy Meet and Greet at 10:30 am and 4th Grade Halloween Party @ 2:15 
  • ***Please save and send in any extra Halloween candy. This will be used in our St. Vincent de Paul service project. Also, if you have not yet turned in your 2 yards of fleece, please do so by November 2nd. 
  • Thursday, November 1st - All Saint's Day with Mass at 9:30.
  • Thursday, November 15th - Field Trip to Grandview Dairy 
  • Friday, November 16th - Grandparent's Day with Mass at 9:00 and dismissal at 11:30
  • Tuesday, November 20th - Field Trip to St. Vincent de Paul from 8:30 am to 10:30 am
English Language Arts

Spelling - Students did not receive homework last week, but will today in class (Monday). It will be due on Thursday. They will have a spelling test this Thursday, October 25th. 

Grammar - We will be talking about the difference between a simple sentence, compound sentence, and a complex sentence.

Reading - We will be talking about Drawing Conclusions and Making Generalizations. We will look at our vocabulary words this week as well and focus on the skill of antonyms. There will be a reading comprehension test on Friday, October 26th and a vocabulary test as well. 

Social Studies

We will begin work in Chapter 3 of our Discovering Arizona textbook, which talks about different types of maps and Arizona's land. We will be preparing these next two weeks for our Salt Dough Map Project. This project will take place on the morning of Thursday, November 8th. We will need about 6 to 8 parent volunteers for each homeroom in the morning. Please email Mrs. Ezell if you are interested in helping out.(We'll start right after Pledge and Prayer.)


We are finishing the metric measuring module this week. The students will have had practice with meters, liters, and grams.


We are continuing using the microscope with focus on different levels of magnification. The students will have a vocabulary test on Friday.


We will pray the Rosary and talk about the Mysteries. The focus will be on The Joyful Mysteries. The students will be illustrating these as part of their service project.

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