PRIDE PASS - Behavior System

P.R.I.D.E. Pass Guidelines
Prepared, Respectful, Involved, Dedicated, Excellence

  1. Students are responsible for keeping their PRIDE passes with them and readily available at all times.  They will clip them to their agendas when in class, and the teacher will collect them prior going to Special classes. PRIDE passes will be collected at the end of the day and sent home every Friday in the Friday Folder in order for it to be signed by a parent.

  1. The PRIDE pass will be used as the restroom pass.  Students may only use the restroom during class time ONCE per day.  They need to use their snack, lunch, and recess time to use the restroom.

  1. Students with perfect PRIDE passes will earn an extra recess on Fridays.  All parent signed perfect PRIDE passes will be added to a monthly drawing for an “extra special” reward.

  1. All PRIDE passes must be signed by a parent during the weekend and returned in the signed Friday Folder.  If a Friday Folder is not returned with the signed PRIDE pass from the previous week, the student will receive a mark on the new PRIDE pass.

  1. The first two marks on the PRIDE pass are warnings with no major consequences, other that being ineligible for the extra Friday recess.  The third mark is a lunch detention.  A lost PRIDE pass also results in an automatic lunch detention.  Students will receive a replacement PRIDE pass.

  1. The fourth mark earns an after school detention.  Any time a student is required to serve an after school detention a phone call home will be made.  Students will call home confidentially from the front office conference room.

  1. The fifth mark results in an office discipline referral and additional consequences, determined by SFX Administration.

The goal is to have a clean pass each week.  Those passes will be added to our monthly “special reward” drawing.
If you make a mistake, the code below will help you discuss with your parents some changes you can make in your behavior to make a positive difference.  We are all working toward becoming our best self.  :)

P.R.I.D.E. Pass
Behavior Infraction Key

U Out of uniform
CD Classroom disruption
IA Inappropriate Attitude
DD Disrespect/Defiant
NC Noncompliance
A Aggressive Behavior
PP Preparation
NPS No Parent Signature
NH No Homework
O Other

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