Monday, February 24, 2020

The Season of Lent

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Happy Monday Families!

It is hard to believe that we are in the final stretch of the school! Let's continue to encourage our students to do their best in their daily work and attitudes. We are going to kick up the rigor just a notch as we begin to prepare them for 5th grade!

This week, we also enter into the season of Lent. We have Mass on Wednesday for Ash Wednesday, Please note the time change to 8:30 AM. 

During the season of Lent, a beautiful tradition here at SFX is that the fourth graders lead the school community in the prayer of The Living Stations of the Cross. This prayer will be prayed on Friday, March 27th at 9:30 AM in the Church. Every fourth grader will have a role. It is a beautiful prayer and the students truly rise to the occasion. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend. No body will be let inside the Church once we begin, so please be prompt and sit in the  space indicated for parents. 

Looking Ahead....

  • Wednesday, February 26th - Ash Wednesday Mass at 8:30 AM in the Church 
  • Friday, February 28th - Arupe Marketplace and Food Truck Friday - Please send small bills for students to shop and support the 7th graders. 

English Language Arts 

We will have a spelling test on Thursday, February 27th.

Reading - This week we will be talking about Historical Fiction and the skill of comparing and contrasting.

Grammar - We are going to "unpack" our Adjectives this week!

Vocabulary - The students will look at the words in the story this week more closely. We will start this assignment in class by drawing pictures that help us to understand the meaning, write the definition, and then use the word in a sentence.

Social Studies 

We will begin using our Discovering Arizona textbook and look at Chapter 3, which is all about the Early People of Arizona.

We will be learning about the customs, traditions, and ways of the various tribes that once lived here. In about two weeks, students will be divided into groups and begin to create a Google slides Presentation on a Native American Tribe.


We are starting the Fraction module. Hot topics: equivalent fractions, number bonds, addition and subtraction of fractions.

There is a timed x12 test this week that will be graded. STUDY!!! 


The topics covered this week are symmetry and classification of triangles.


We are preparing for the start of Lent. The students will be working in their Totally Lent booklet daily, and we are also beginning practice for Stations.

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