Monday, March 2, 2020

March is here!

Image result for march clip art
Happy, Happy Monday!

March is here! WOW, where is the time going! Please join us this weekend for the annual Fun Fest! It's going to be a 'bright' day!

Looking Ahead...
  • Saturday, March 7th - Fun Fest from 9 am to 3 pm at SFX 
  • Friday, March 13th and Monday, March 16th - No School 
  • Friday, March 27th - The Living Stations of the Cross at 9:30 AM in the Church 
English Language Arts

The students will have a spelling test on Thursday, March 5th . 

Reading - We will be looking at the skill of sequence of events along with summarizing again. The students will have a reading test on Friday, March 6th. 

Grammar - We will continue to look at Adjectives. We will also be introducing Adverbs. The students will have a quiz on ADJECTIVES on Friday, March 6th. 

Social Studies 

Our focus is on the early people of Arizona: the food they hunted or grew, the things they made, the buildings they lived in, and their possible disappearance theories. The students will be put into groups this week and begin to look at the expectations for the Google Slides presentation project.


Students are working on equivalent fractions They will make models and use math to create equivalent fractions.


The focus this week is Quadrilaterals including: parallelograms, trapezoids, rectangles, squares, rhombus. They will identify and construct them.


We will work daily in our Totally Lent workbook. The students will use a Bible and find the readings for the day.

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