Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Happy President's Day

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Hello and Happy Tuesday !

We have a four day school week ahead of us. We will spend some time this week discussing the lives of President George Washington and President Abrham Lincoln.

looking Ahead...

  • Wednesday, February 21st - All School Mass at 9:30 in the Church 
  • Friday, February 22nd - Arupe Marketplace: Please send in small dollar bills ($1s, or $5s) so that students can shop. We will be shopping with our Preschool buddies. 
  • Next, Saturday, March 2nd - Funfest 
  • Friday, April 12th - Stations of the Cross - The Fourth graders will pray the Stations of the Cross for the entire school community at 9:30 in the morning in the Church. It is a very special occasion and we invite all parents and family members. Please note that this is the Friday before Spring break, so if for for some reason you will not be at school this day, we need to know. Each child has a role in this prayer, so we will adjust if they will not be here on the actual day. 
English Language Arts 

We are takings a break from our Journey's text to read about our President's, focus on grammar, and work on a writing project. 

Grammar - We will work on Adjectives and Adverbs. 

Writing - We will be writing a poem all about a President. Students will research facts about a President's life and use it within their poem. 

A friendly reminder that the Cereal Box book project on an influential African American is due next Thursday, February 28th. 

Social Studies

Students will continue to work on their group Google Slides Early People project. 


We are doing double-digit by double-digit multiplication using the standard algorithm. We will also be taking the end of module assessment at the end of the week. 


We are finishing the Circuit Quiz Board as the assessment for the lab. 


We are starting the Ten Commandments, and the focus this week is the first three. 

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