Monday, February 11, 2019

Happy Birthday Arizona!

Picture-Az State Flag 38X38 - 360
Good Morning!

Wishing you lots of love this week and always! On Thursday, February 14th, we will celebrate Valentine's Day by having students pass out valentines to their friends, but in addition, we will celebrate Arizona's 107th birthday! 

Looking Ahead...
  • Wednesday, February 13th - 3rd to 5th Mass at Brophy (4th grade is leading)
  • Thursday, February 14th - Arizona's Birthday Party @ 1:45
  • Friday, February 15th - Fr. Joe will be joining the Fourth Graders as a guest speaker
  • Friday, February 22nd - Arupe Marketplace at school - Please send in small dollar bills for students to shop. 
English Language Arts

All the students have a modified spelling list this week. We are reviewing commonly misspelled words from previous lists. There will be a test on Thursday, February 14th. 

Grammar - We will continue to look at Irregular Verbs and have a quiz on them on Wednesday, February 13th. 

We will then move into talking about Adjectives and how they make us better writers.

Reading - Our skill focus this week is on comparing and contrasting. We will work on some in-class activities that will take the place of a quiz grade.

Social Studies

Happy Birthday to our beautiful state of Arizona! The students are just about done creating their birthday cards. They turned out amazing! We will move into working on our Google Slides projects, which is done in groups and on the topic of The Early People of Arizona.


We are moving on to double-digit by double-digit multiplication. The strategies we are starting with are the area model and partial product.

The x8s quiz will be next week.


We are still in the Energy unit and this week are learning about Electricity.


We are identifying and constructing perpendicular lines and parallel lines.


We are going to focus on the Spiritual Works of Mercy.

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