Monday, February 4, 2019

Celebrating Black History Month

Image result for celebrating black history month

Happy Monday to All!

As we enter into February, the students will be reading about and learning about many influential African Americans who left a positive impact on our world.

Looking Ahead....

  • Thursday, February 14th - Happy Birthday Arizona! Valentine's Day Party 1:45 to 2:45 

CLICK HERE to see the Signup Genius

English Language Arts

There will be a spelling test on Thursday, February 7th. 4B students were rewarded with a no homework pass, so this week they do not have spelling homework. 

Grammar - We will be looking at Irregular Verbs.

Reading - Our focus this week is on Main Idea and Details. There will be a test on Friday, February 8th. 

Social Studies

Image result for cactus clipart

We will begin to design our Arizona Birthday Cards.

Our vocabulary quiz on the words in Ch. 3 has BEEN MOVED to THURSDAY. 


We are continuing to work with Division. Now our problems are 4 digit by 1 digit. The students are using the standard algorithm and checking their work by using multiplication.


I am going to split my teaching time in Science by teaching a Geometry unit this next trimester. So, next week we will have a separate tab for Geometry.

In Science, we are doing Energy. This investigation is the Energy of Sound.

In Geometry, we are covering the concepts of point, line, line segment, ray, and angles.


We are studying the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. We will also prepare to lead Mass at Brophy Chapel next Wednesday.

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