Monday, November 18, 2019


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Good Morning Families!

Please note that this week's blog will serve as our blog for this week and next due to the very short school week next week.

Happy "early" Thanksgiving! We are filled with so much gratitude for each of you as you walk on this academic and spiritual journey with us and your child. Thank you for your continuous support, love, and commitment to our classrooms and school. Enjoy the Thanksgiving break with all of your family and friends!

Looking Ahead....
  • Tuesday, November 19th to Friday, November 22nd - Book Fair - Both 4th Grade classes will shop on Tuesday afternoon. 
  • Friday, November 22nd - Grandparent's Day with Mass @ 9:00 AM and dismissal at 11:30 AM 
  • Saturday, November 23rd - Breakfast with Santa from 8:30 to 11:30 in the school gym 
  • Tuesday, November 26th - St. Vincent de Paul service project from 8:30 to 11:00
  • Wednesday, November 27th to Friday, November 29th - NO SCHOOL  Thanksgiving Holiday - See you on Monday, December 2nd. 
English Language Arts 

The students will have a spelling test on Thursday, November 21st. 

Grammar - We will have a summative grammar assessment on common vs. proper nouns, complete sentences vs. fragments, and verbs on Wednesday, November 20th. We will review these skills on Monday and Tuesday.

Reading - We will read the story from lesson 9 and talk about the skill of drawing conclusions and making generalizations based on the clues given to us.

Writing - We will begin to work on a Thankful Texts writing project. Each day students will be given a prompt to reflect on and they will "text" (write) about why they are thankful for it.

Social Studies 

We will begin our unit on Maps. We will first start with why we use maps, what makes a map a good one, and even create our own map. This will prepare us for our discussions on relief maps and our upcoming project in December of creating a Salt Dough Map of Arizona. More info to come at a later date as we will need parent helpers for this in-class project.


We are continuing to multiply multi-digit  by single-digit numbers. The students are familiar with the area model and partial product strategies. This week, we will focus on the standard algorithm.

The students will have a x4 quiz this week. It is timed: 1 minute for 20 problems. PRACTICE!!!


In Science, we are measuring matter using a triple beam balance. The students will separate the linkt from the seeds and trash of our cotton boll samples. They will measure the mass of each in the lab.


We are in the final stages for our St. Vincent de Paul service project.

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