Monday, April 29, 2019

May Flowers

Image result for may clipart

Happy Monday to All!

May is just about here! We only have four weeks left of this school year!

The Homeroom Moms have already begun to work on the details for the end of the year party. Please follow the link below to signup. 

End of the Year Party

Looking Ahead...
  • Wednesday, May 1st - All School Mass at 9:30 am - May Crowning - Fr. George has asked us to bring in items that will help the under served. Please consider bringing in diapers, gently used shoes, socks, travel sized toiletry items. These will be placed at the foot of the altar at Pledge and Prayer. 
  • Wednesday, May 8th - Book Tasting Party at 2:15 - All parents are welcome. 
  • Wednesday, May 22nd - End of the Year Mass and awards at 8:30
  • Thursday, May 23rd - Last Day of School and 4th Grade Party 
English Language Arts

There will be a spelling test this Thursday, May 2nd. 

Grammar - We did not get a chance to look at comparative and superlative adjectives last week, so that will be our focus this week.

Reading - We will read a Biography this week and discuss the skill of cause and effect. The students will have an assessment on Friday, May 3rd. 

Make sure your child is continuing to work on their Book Tasting Project that is due Wednesday, May 8th. They need to pick up the template and place mat from me. 

Social Studies

This will be our last week using our Discovering Arizona textbook. We will work in groups to create game show questions based on the lessons we read.

The next few weeks, we will work as a "Family" (in groups) on a variety of projects that tie directly to our Junior Achievement lessons. We are collecting any unused coupons for the upcoming projects.


We will add and subtract fractions using unlike denominators. The students will learn the strategies of number line and bar model to demonstrate this, but our focus will be solving them arithmetically (no pictures).


We are continuing in our Nutrition module and focusing on studying food labels.


Our focus this week will be on Mary and May Day.

The students will learn and pray Hail Holy Queen.

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