Monday, December 3, 2018

December is here!

Image result for december clipart
Happy December to All!

Advent began yesterday and the countdown to Christmas break is officially on! During this busy time of year, we will pause daily as a school to pray The Examine. If you did not have a chance to read Mrs. Cavnar's message this past weekend in the e-blast, we encourage you to go back and read through it. It talks about the importance of pausing this holiday season. 

Looking Ahead....
  • Monday, December 3rd - Feast of St. Francis Xavier - Mass at 9:30 am
  • Wednesday, December 5th - Reconciliation  at 1:00 pm 
  • Tuesday, December 11th - School Christmas Concert at XCP at 6:30 pm 
  • Wednesday, December 19th - Gift Mass at 9:30 am 
  • Friday, December 21st - 4th Grade Christmas Party and dismissal is at NOON
English Language Arts

There are no spelling words this week. Enjoy the week off!

Grammar - We will continue to talk about pronouns and frequently misused words such as there, their, and they're.

Writing - We will be working on the rough draft of our Christmas Gift persuasive writing project.

Social Studies

We will be taking a break this week from our Social Studies lessons to focus on our writing and a Christmas project.


We are continuing to practice multiplication of  larger numbers by a single digit using the standard algorithm. The students will also solve word problems and use the model drawing strategy.

This week, we are pretesting the x4s. Early next week, I will test them for a grade. Practice, practice, practice!


We are finishing our investigation from last week, Combining Matter by mixing liquids with liquids.


As part of our preparation for Advent, we are receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We are discussing the concept of Examination of Conscience. We are also working through a daily activity called Absolutely Advent.

As we enter into the first week of Advent, please pause and say this Advent prayer.

Lord of all,
you are a God of plenty, a Lord who provides
for us in our need.
As I begin these early days of Advent
help me to believe that you know what I need.
Give me the courage to listen to your voice
and the freedom
to open my heart to the graces you are
offering me to place my trust in you.

Image result for advent wreath week one

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