Monday, March 19, 2018

Hello Spring

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Hello Families,

Spring weather is here! This week's blog will serve as our last blog until we return from Easter Break. So, please read it thoroughly and check your child's agenda for any additional information.

We wish you all a joyous Easter and amazing, restful break!

Looking Ahead...
  • Wednesday, March 21st - Adoration at 10:30 in the Church 
  • Wednesday, March 28th - Living Stations of the Cross presented by 4th grade begins promptly at 9:30 AM
  • Thursday, March 29th - Half Day - Holy Thursday
  • Friday, March 30th - Good Friday - NO SCHOOL - Spring Break begins 
  • Monday, April 9th - School Resumes 
English Language Arts

There will be a spelling test on Thursday, March 22nd. All students will have the list of spelling words on Monday.

The students will continue discussing suffixes.

We will look at abbreviations.

We will work with the same story for the next two weeks. The skill is main idea and details. We will work extensively on this skill by writing a paragraph to summarize the story.

Social Studies

We will finalize our Google Slide Presentation and begin to present them.


We are working on division of larger numbers by single digit. For example, 575 divided by 6.


The students will be able to use addition to solve for the unknown angle measure. We will also study polygons. There are a few special quadrilaterals and the students will become familiar with them.


We are continuing to work in our Totally Lent books. We will be practicing The Stations of the Cross Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon. Please try to keep your child at school as each child's role is important and we do not want them to have to miss a practice.

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