Monday, May 10, 2021

3 Weeks to go!


Happy Monday to all!

Three more school weeks until summer vacation! We will be taking our final STAR tests for both Reading and Math this week. Shortly after, the reports will go home. 

Looking Ahead...

  • Tuesday, May 11th - STAR Reading and Math Tests 
  • Wednesday, May 12th - We will attend Mass virtually @ 9:30 AM. This Mass is being said for Colin Kennedy's Grandfather, Dr. Joseph Kennedy. Please keep them in your prayers. 
  • Wednesday, May 12th - Book Tasting Book Project is due - We will have a mini celebration in class to wrap up our last project of the year. 
  • Thursday, May 27th - 4th Grade End of the Year Party 
  • Friday, May 28th - End of the Year Mass @ 9:00 AM and Last Day of School

Help us celebrate Ms. Nemeth 

In summary of the 1992 US Bishops’ Pastoral Letter on Christian Stewardship, the question was asked:  “What identifies a steward?”  It is someone who is generous in their giving of time, treasure and talent.  “But being a Christian steward means more.  As Christian stewards we receive God’s gifts gratefully, cultivate them responsibly, share them lovingly in justice with others, and return them with increase to the Lord.”

As we end our 2020-2021 year at St. Francis Xavier, we also bid farewell to one of our most beloved teachers, Ms.Nancy Nemeth.  She, more than anyone we know at St. Francis, has generously given of her time, treasure and talent for many years.

 We would love for her to hear from as many of you as possible.  Below you will find a link for you to write a letter of affirmation and thanks to be shared with Ms. Nemeth.  Please include any fun memories you may have.  There is  a link for you to include a video message of yourself sharing your love and laughter. 

Mind-boggling facts:

  • 33 years of teaching 

  • Taught 1-8 grades for many years, then taught  Pre-K-5th

  • Introduced countless students to the mathematical language that is music

  • Prepared for 60+ concerts

  • Adapted many songs for children’s choral performances

  • Composed and wrote original songs, many of which have a Jesuit them ie Ad Majorem

  • Played music for the annual living Stations of the Cross 

  • Played for all the school masses for 20+ years

  • Played background music for First Reconciliation, First Communions, and  Confirmations

  • Played Pomp and Circumstance at Graduations

  • Helped to write and earn  a grant for the school earning thousands of dollars

 Click here to submit a video clip and/or picture:

Fond memories to share? Click here to go to the Google form:

English Language Arts

Spelling - We will have a spelling test on Thursday, May 13th. 

Grammar - We will finish learning about the rules of commas this week. 

Reading - We will look at the skill of compare and contrast. The students will have a quiz on this skill on Friday, May 14th. 

Social Studies

We will continue to learn about the three Branches of Governments. 


We are comparing fractions and adding and subtracting fractions. We are also converting fractions from mixed fractions to improper fractions. The students are learning and playing games including fractions. 


We are doing an open book packet for Lesson 4. We are also going to the STEM lab to continue practicing working with the microscope. 


We will be doing a culminating activity with Religious vocabulary. 

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