Monday, May 17, 2021

Final Blog Post of the Year


Hello Families, 

This week's blog post will serve as our final blog post for the 2020-21 school year. We appreciate all of you for sticking by us through this rollercoaster of a year. It has been a pleasure walking alongside you and your child during their academic and spiritual development. We wish you all a very restful, fun, and safe summer! 

Looking Ahead.....

  • Thursday, May 27th - 4th Grade End of the Year Party in the afternoon 
  • Friday, May 28th - End of the Year Mass - 4th grade will be attending in person. Mass begins at 9:00 AM. Dismissal is at 10:30 AM for ALL students in grades 4th to 7th. 

English Language Arts

Spelling - This week, to end our year, we have a list made up of our peers first or last names. Students are expected to write a story using each one of their friend's names. All homework must be in cursive. There will be one last spelling test on Thursday, May 20th. 

Grammar - We will finish commas and practice all ending punctuation. 

Reading - We are on our last story of the year, Lesson 25. Our skill is author's purpose. 

Writing - We are going to reflect on our best memories from the year and create a little booklet to remember them by. 

Social Studies 

We are so excited to welcome Mr. Barraza into our classroom, virtually, via Zoom as a guest speaker this week. He will be talking to the entire fourth grade about the job responsibilities of a lobbyist and an overview of how a bill becomes a law. We will use this as a way to wrap up our Government unit. 

Students will have a government vocabulary quiz on WEDNESDAY (this is being pushed back by one day) and will need to select one branch of government to describe in a short answer. We will review in class the expectations. 


We will continue to power through our fraction module. This week, we will do addition and subtraction of fractions and mixed numbers. We will do word problems that involve fractions and mixed numbers. We will also play games. 


This is the chapter final activity. The students will write questions and answers as if they were the teacher. This will be a 50 point activity. 


We are studying for a final vocabulary quiz. The students are having fun quizzing each other with memory games. 

Monday, May 10, 2021

3 Weeks to go!


Happy Monday to all!

Three more school weeks until summer vacation! We will be taking our final STAR tests for both Reading and Math this week. Shortly after, the reports will go home. 

Looking Ahead...

  • Tuesday, May 11th - STAR Reading and Math Tests 
  • Wednesday, May 12th - We will attend Mass virtually @ 9:30 AM. This Mass is being said for Colin Kennedy's Grandfather, Dr. Joseph Kennedy. Please keep them in your prayers. 
  • Wednesday, May 12th - Book Tasting Book Project is due - We will have a mini celebration in class to wrap up our last project of the year. 
  • Thursday, May 27th - 4th Grade End of the Year Party 
  • Friday, May 28th - End of the Year Mass @ 9:00 AM and Last Day of School

Help us celebrate Ms. Nemeth 

In summary of the 1992 US Bishops’ Pastoral Letter on Christian Stewardship, the question was asked:  “What identifies a steward?”  It is someone who is generous in their giving of time, treasure and talent.  “But being a Christian steward means more.  As Christian stewards we receive God’s gifts gratefully, cultivate them responsibly, share them lovingly in justice with others, and return them with increase to the Lord.”

As we end our 2020-2021 year at St. Francis Xavier, we also bid farewell to one of our most beloved teachers, Ms.Nancy Nemeth.  She, more than anyone we know at St. Francis, has generously given of her time, treasure and talent for many years.

 We would love for her to hear from as many of you as possible.  Below you will find a link for you to write a letter of affirmation and thanks to be shared with Ms. Nemeth.  Please include any fun memories you may have.  There is  a link for you to include a video message of yourself sharing your love and laughter. 

Mind-boggling facts:

  • 33 years of teaching 

  • Taught 1-8 grades for many years, then taught  Pre-K-5th

  • Introduced countless students to the mathematical language that is music

  • Prepared for 60+ concerts

  • Adapted many songs for children’s choral performances

  • Composed and wrote original songs, many of which have a Jesuit them ie Ad Majorem

  • Played music for the annual living Stations of the Cross 

  • Played for all the school masses for 20+ years

  • Played background music for First Reconciliation, First Communions, and  Confirmations

  • Played Pomp and Circumstance at Graduations

  • Helped to write and earn  a grant for the school earning thousands of dollars

 Click here to submit a video clip and/or picture:

Fond memories to share? Click here to go to the Google form:

English Language Arts

Spelling - We will have a spelling test on Thursday, May 13th. 

Grammar - We will finish learning about the rules of commas this week. 

Reading - We will look at the skill of compare and contrast. The students will have a quiz on this skill on Friday, May 14th. 

Social Studies

We will continue to learn about the three Branches of Governments. 


We are comparing fractions and adding and subtracting fractions. We are also converting fractions from mixed fractions to improper fractions. The students are learning and playing games including fractions. 


We are doing an open book packet for Lesson 4. We are also going to the STEM lab to continue practicing working with the microscope. 


We will be doing a culminating activity with Religious vocabulary. 

Monday, May 3, 2021

Hello May


Hello Families, 

May is here! The countdown to the end of the school year is officially on! We have four more weeks until summer break begins! 

Looking Ahead...

  • Wednesday, May 5th - May Crowning Mass - We will attend Mass virtually @ 9:30 AM
  • Wednesday, May 12th - Book Tasting Project due 
  • Thursday, May 27th - 4th Grade End of the Year Party 
  • Friday, May 28th - End of the Year Mass @ 8:30 AM and Last Day of School 

English Language Arts

Spelling - Students will have a spelling test on Thursday, May 6th. Please remember that all spelling homework and tests will be in cursive for the remainder of the school year to prepare for fifth grade. 

Grammar - We will be talking about the rules to using commas correctly. 

Reading - Our focus this week is on Text and Graphic Features. We will be reading an Informational Text piece, and we will have a quiz on this skill on Friday, May 7th. 

Social Studies

We will begin to learn about the Three Branches of Governments: Judicial, Legislative, and Executive. 


We are continuing with converting mixed numbers to fractions greater than one and fractions greater than one into mixed numbers. The students are using many strategies to find the one that they find most helpful. 


We are finishing the Living Things unit this week with Lesson 4: How Seed Plants Reproduce. 


May Crowning Mass is Wednesday. We are going to make vocabulary cards and play a memory game with them. This will review Parts of the Mass and Sacraments. 

Monday, April 26, 2021

End of April


Hello Families, 

The end of April is here! Crazy how fast time is flying by! Let's us continue to encourage our students to put forth their best effort in all they do and finish out the year on a strong note. 

Looking Ahead....

  • Wednesday, April 28th - All School Mass - We will attend Mass virtually at 9:30 AM. 
  • Wednesday, May 12th - Book Tasting Project due for students - **See notes below on this project.**

English Language Arts

Spelling - The students will have a spelling test on Thursday, April 29th. This week and moving forward all spelling homework and tests will need to be completed in cursive to prepare for fifth grades. The students were given these directions on Friday and they are also noted on the front of the spelling homework. 

Reading - We will be look at Lesson 22's story, which is a Biography. The skill this week focuses on cause and effect. 

Writing - We will finish our poetry book this week. Then, students will choose four of their favorite types they learned about and publish those for a "Poetry in a Pocket." 

Book Tasting Project  - This book project will be the final one of the school year. It will be due on Wednesday, May 12th. Two weeks ago, students were asked to select a Fiction book to read. This past week, after IOWA testing, students had that book to read and then had to write a 3 to 5 sentence summary about what they had read so far. Today, directions for the Book Tasting Project were presented in class. Students will be coming home with the black construction paper and templates to use to create their placemat. Students will be "tasting" a variety of books as they prepare for summer and hopefully walk away with several new titles they are eager to read. 

Social Studies

We will pause on Social Studies this week as we try to wrap our Poetry Unit. We will begin our final S.S. unit next week, Government. 


Fractions....still! We are doing addition and subtraction of Mixed Numbers. We are also converting fractions to mixed numbers and mixed numbers to fractions greater than one. We will also be comparing mixed numbers. 


We are moving along in Unit A: Living Things. This week, Lesson 3's focus is The Plant Kingdom. We also will be going to the STEM Lab this week. We will learn the parts of a microscope and use it appropriately. 


Tuesday we will be having our quiz covering the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Last week, the students made a foldable that will be graded and used as a study guide. 

Monday, April 19, 2021

IOWA Testing


Happy Monday to All!

This week we will spend majority of our time completing IOWA Testing. It is important that your child get a good night's rest, a healthy breakfast, and please send in a good snack each day. 

English Language Arts

There is no spelling homework this week. We will resume next week. 

Reading - We will continue with our read aloud, Holes

Grammar and Writing - We will continue to look at different types of Poetry. 

Social Studies

We will finish our Family Vacation Project. 


We will continue adding and subtracting mixed numbers and fractions. We are beginning to put our answers in simplest form. 


We are continuing our unit on Life Science and lesson 2 focuses on Classifying Living Things. 


We are reviewing the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit. We are making a foldable and will have a quiz soon. 

Monday, April 12, 2021

Fun Fest Week


Here Comes the Sun!!!!

The best and most fun week of the year is here! Fun Fest this year looks a little different, but it surely will not disappoint! Please read below, so that you are aware of the upcoming events. 

Looking Ahead...

  • Wednesday, April 14th - 3rd to 5th Mass in the church @ 9:30 AM 
  • Thursday, April 15th - 4th Graders will attend their Fun Fest party in the afternoon from 12:30 to 2:30. Students are allowed to wear their Fun Fest shirts on this day. 
  • Friday, April 16th - Students may wear their Fun Fest shirt, a tie dye shirt, or a Beatles shirt. 
  • Week of April 19th to April 23rd - IOWA Testing - Please do your best to not schedule any appointments this week. 

English Language Arts

Spelling - Students will receive homework TODAY, Monday, and it will be due on Friday. We will have a spelling test on Friday of this week. 

Grammar - We will begin to look at Figurative Language: similes, metaphor, and personification. 

Writing - We will look at key poetry terms and our first type of poetry; a haiku. 

Reading - We will begin a new read aloud book this week: Holes. 

Social Studies

This week, students will work in groups on a Family Vacation Project. 


We are working on addition and subtraction of Fractions. They will also be solving word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions. They will also use tape diagrams and number lines to model the skill. 


We are going back to using the Science textbook. We are beginning our unit on Life Science. The focus of Lesson 1 is Cells. The students will be using the textbook to find answers in a packet. The students will also be doing a fun Mystery Science activity. 


We will be finishing up our Totally Lent this week. We will spend some time daily with the practice of Contemplative Prayer. 

Monday, March 22, 2021

Happy Spring !


Good Afternoon!

Spring weather is here! Please remember to pack your child a water bottle daily. The temps are creeping up. We also recommending putting on sunscreen in the morning. 

Looking Ahead...

  • Wednesday, March 24th - Adoration in the courtyard @ 9:30 AM

English Language Arts

There will be a spelling test on Thursday, March 25th. 

Grammar - We will begin to look at Abbreviations. 

Reading - This week we will be reading a Biography of Sacagawea and focus on the skill of Main Idea and Details. The students will have a test on this skill on Friday, March 26th. 

Social Studies

We will continue to discuss key vocabulary in our beginning lessons on Economics. Then, we will get our directions for our first project, Creating a Family Budget. 


The focus this week is addition and subtraction of fractions. 


We are finishing our Geometry module this week. The final concept is quadrilaterals. 

The End of Module test will be Wednesday. 


We will be attending Adoration on Wednesday. 

We are also preparing for Stations of the Cross, and the students are working in their Totally Lent booklet. 

The Stations will be available by link to view on Thursday, April 1st. 

Monday, March 15, 2021

Happy St. Patrick's Day


Happy Monday!

Happy St. Patrick's Day! This week also marks the beginning of March Maddness basketball. For fun the students will fill out brackets in class and predict a winner! 

Looking Ahead...

  • Wednesday, March 17th - We will attend Mass, virtually. 

English Language Arts

Spelling - We have no spelling words this week. Students will receive a new list of words and homework on Friday. 

Grammar  - We will spend time this week on some basic conventions by way of D.O.L. - Daily Oral Language. 

Reading - We will reading about Cesar Chavez this week. We will focus on the skill of making generalizations and drawing conclusions. 

Writing - We will spend a little time this week writing about things we are lucky to have in our life. 

Social Studies

We are beginning a new unit: Economics. This week, we will review what Goods and Services, Supply and Demand, and review key vocabulary. 


This week we are comparing fractions and beginning to add and subtract with fractions. 


We are classifying triangles and quadrilaterals. 


We will continue to focus our attention on Totally Lent. We will also begin our practices for Stations of the Cross.  

Monday, March 8, 2021

Four-Day School Week


Hello Families, 

This week, we only have a four-day school week ahead of us. There is no school on Friday, March 12th. Enjoy the upcoming three-day weekend! 

Looking Ahead...

  • Friday, March 12th - No School 

English Language Arts

Spelling - Spelling homework will be due on Thursday, and the test will be Thursday, March 11th. 

Grammar - This week we will wrap up adverbs. 

Reading - We were unable to finish lesson 18's story and skill last week, so we will continue with it this week. There will be a reading comprehension test on Thursday, March 11th. 

Social Studies

We are taking a short break from Social Studies this week and will resume with it next week as we begin a new unit. 


In Fractions, we are going to compare fractions using benchmarks, number lines, and equivalent fractions. 


We are focusing on triangles and quadrilaterals. 


We are working in our Totally Lent books daily and preparing for Stations. 

Monday, March 1, 2021

Happy March


Hello Families, 

It is hard to believe that it is already March 1st! During this season of Lent, every day at school, we will be pausing as a school at 11 AM to pray the Examine. Please continue to have conversations at home about our Lenten Promises through fasting, alms giving, and prayer. 

Looking Ahead...

  • Tuesday, March 2 - 50 States Project due 
  • Wednesday, March 3rd - 50 States Quiz 
  • Wednesday, March 3rd - We will attend Mass virtually. 
  • Friday, March 5th - We will attend Reconciliation in the Church. 

English Language Arts

Spelling update - Now that we will be wrapping up our states unit, we will resume our regular weekly spelling homework and tests. Students will receive their homework and words this Friday for next week's test that will take place on Thursday. 

Grammar - We will continue to talk about Adverbs. Students will have a quiz on this skill on Friday, March 5th. 

Reading - This week, we will be reading Hercules, which is a myth. We will continue to focus on Story Structure and Sequence of Events. We will do some comparing and contrasting with the movie as well. 

Social Studies

The students will turn in their 50 States Project on Tuesday, and we will begin to present in class on Thursday and Friday. 

The students will take their last quiz on all of the 50 states this Wednesday, March 3rd. 


We are continuing with equivalent fractions. Now, we will be using multiplication to evaluate if fractions are equivalent. 


We are continuing to measure angles. The next skill we will focus on is symmetry. 


We will be prepare for Reconciliation. We are working in Totally Lent daily. 

We are preparing for Stations of the Cross. 

Monday, February 22, 2021

Third Trimester Begins


This week marks the beginning of the third trimester. As we enter into the the stretch of the school year, we are going to encourage the students to be advocates for themselves. Let's partner together to help our students prepare for fifth grade.  Time management and organization are two very important skills we will be working on these last three months with our students. 

Looking Ahead...

  • Wednesday, February 24th - 3rd - 5th grade Mass in person at 9:30 AM
  • Wednesday, March 3rd - 50 States Quiz for ALL students 

English Language Arts

Grammar - This week, we will look at a new skill: Adverbs. 

Reading - We did not get to lesson 17 last week, so we will read through that story this week. The students WILL HAVE a reading quiz on the skill of sequence of events on Friday, February 26th. 

Social Studies

We will be looking at influential African American figures this week. 

The students will have their final region quiz, The Northeast, on Wednesday, February 24th. 

The 50 States quiz will be on Wednesday March 3rd. The students will be expected to properly locate and spell ALL 50 states. We will review EVERYDAY in class leading up to the quiz. The students have all of their region books and flashcards to help them as well. 


Fractions - The focus is equivalent fractions. 


We will be learning how to use a protractor to measure angles. We will also talk about classifying triangles by their sides and by their angles. 


We are working on Totally Lent every day. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Happy President's Day!


We hope you enjoyed your long weekend! This week, our focus will be on our former President's, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Both of whom celebrate a birthday this month. We will do a cross curricular activity in language arts and social studies centered on the Presidents. 

Looking Ahead....

  • Wednesday, February 17th - Ash Wednesday - Mass - We will attend in-person this week. 
  • Friday, February 19th - Trimester Two Ends

English Language Arts

Grammar - We ran out of time last week to review and assess the skill of Irregular Verbs. Our quiz has been moved to Thursday of this week, February 18th. 

Writing - We will be working on a President Biography Poem. 

Reading - We are circling back to the skill of sequence of events. 

Social Studies 

The students will have their fourth region quiz, tomorrow, Wednesday, February 17th on the region of the Southeast. 

We will move to our last region, The Northeast. It is the hardest region for the students, so please study daily. This quiz will be on Wednesday, February 24th 


We started the Fractions Module today. The students are focusing on unit fractions. 


The students will identify acute, obtuse, and right angles. They will know the difference between parallel and perpendicular lines. 


Lent is already here! We will be working in the Totally Lent booklet daily. The students will come up with a Lenten Promise tomorrow. 

Monday, February 8, 2021

Happy Birthday Arizona!


Our beautiful state of Arizona will turn 109 this coming Sunday! We will celebrate Arizona with a birthday party celebration / Valentine's Day party this Friday, February 12th. Students are allowed to pass out valentines to their peers during the party. 

Looking Ahead...

  • Wednesday, February 10th - We will attend Mass virtually. 
  • Friday, February 12th - - 10:00 to 11:00 Birthday Party / Valentine's Day Party 
  • Monday, February 15th - No School  Presidents Day 

English Language Art 

Grammar -  We will finish working on Irregular Verbs. We will have a quiz on this skill on Thursday, February 11th. 

Writing - We will finish our state reports and state postcards. 

Social Studies

We have a quiz tomorrow on the Midwest Region. 

Next, we will move to the Southeast Region. This quiz will be on WEDNESDAY< FEBRUARY 16th since we have no school next Monday. 

We will have Fr. George visit our classes on Tuesday of this week to speak to us about Fr. Kino and San Xavier del Bac Mission. 


We are finishing Module 3!!!!!!! The last lessons include multiplication double-digit by double-digit. The students will use the following strategies: 

-area model

-partial product

-standard algorithm 

Science / Geometry 

I will be using my Science time this month to teach the Geometry Module. These grades will also be posted under the Science category in Grade Link. 

Lesson 1 includes: point, line, line segment, ray, and angle. 


Before Lent begins next week, we will review the The Stations of the Cross. We will preparing for our school wide presentation of this beautiful prayer. As with everything this school year, it will look different, but we are pleased that we are still able to present/pray it for the school community. 

Monday, February 1, 2021

Happy Catholic Schools Week!


National Catholic Schools Week is here! Let the fun begin!

  • Today is Sports Jersey and sweatpants or jeans day!
  • Tomorrow we will be viewing Mass from the classroom, virtual. 
  • Wednesday is the talent show and Tie Dye day. 
  • Thursday is PJ day. 
  • Friday is free dress in support of the Fun Fest. Please consider donating a sports item or gift card to go towards the Fun Fest. 

English Language Arts

Grammar - We will begin to look at Irregular Verbs. 

Reading -  We will be talking about the skill of cause and effect. 

Writing - We will continue to work on our rough drafts of our state reports and move to the final drafts. Every student will be on a different stage in the writing process. 

Social Studies

TOMORROW, Tuesday, February 2nd is the states quiz on the WEST REGION. Students will be expected to correctly locate and spell each state's name. 

We will move to the Midwest Region next. The quiz for this region will be on Tuesday, February 9th. 


We are solving word problems with division. Next, we will multiplying double-digit by double-digit numbers. We will be using the strategies of area model and the standard algorithm. 


This week are culminating our Energy unit by creating a Circuit Quiz Board. 


We are going to focus on Catholic Education and our SLES. 

Monday, January 25, 2021

End of January

 Happy Monday Families, 

It is hard to believe we are in the last full week of January! Time is flying by and we are in a great rhythm. 

National Catholic Schools Week is NEXT WEEK so be on the lookout for more information this week on  all of the fun things that will be happening! 

Looking Ahead...

  • Wednesday, January 27th - We will attend Mass virtually from the classroom. 

English Language Arts 

Grammar - We will continue to talk about Possessive Nouns and have a quiz on this skill on Friday, January 29th. 

Reading - We will be reading another Informational Text piece. This week, we will focus on the main idea and details of a text. 

Writing - We will finish our research and begin to look at the rough draft process of our state reports. 

Social Studies

The students will have the Southwest Region quiz on Tuesday, January 26th. 

We will move to the West Region next. The quiz on these states will be next Tuesday, February 2nd. Students will need to correctly locate each state and spell each state's name. 


We are doing more division....ahhh! But now, we have a three-digit dividend. The students are modeling with the place value strategy and using the standard algorithm. 


This week's topic is Electricity. We will read Ch. 12: Lesson 4 and complete the open book, graded packet. 


We are finishing our Sacrament foldable and are making a Sacrament game. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

50 States


Happy Tuesday Families!

We hope you had a lovely three-day weekend!

This week we kick-off our big 50 states unit! The students will be taking a weekly quiz by region to learn the proper location and spelling of each state's name. Please help them study! We will be sending home flashcards soon, using IXL to help learn them, and there are many free apps out there as well to use! 

Looking Ahead...

  • Wednesday, January 20th - We will "attend" Mass from our classroom via live stream. 
  • Wednesday, January 20th - The fourth graders will be taking the mid-year benchmarks tests for STAR Reading and Math. 

English Language Arts

Reading - We will be  looking at an informational text piece and reviewing the importance of text and graphic features.  Students will have a quiz on this skill on Friday, January 22nd. 

Grammar - We will begin a new skill: Possessive Nouns. 

Writing - We will focus heavily on our state research this week. 

Social Studies

We will talk about Martin Luther King Jr. and the impact he had on our country. 

We will be learning about how our country is divided up into the five regions. We will look at our first region, The Southwest Region. The students will have a quiz on this region next Tuesday, January 26th. Students will be expected to properly locate and spell each state's name. 


We are reviewing factors, prime numbers, and composite numbers. The key vocabulary word  this week is multiples. Then, we will continue dividing but with a three-digit dividend. 


We are continuing in our unit of Energy. This week is Lesson 3: Light. The students will read the text, and answer the OPEN BOOK packet. 


We are continuing reviewing Sacraments. This week the focus is Sacraments of Service: Matrimony and Holy Orders. 

Monday, January 11, 2021


 Hello to Our 2021 Blog!

We will resume using our weekly blog post as our weekly communication out to you all. The purpose of the blog is to address important announcements as well as an overview of concepts being covered in each subject area. 

Looking Ahead...

  • Wednesday, January 13th - Grades 3rd to 5th Mass in the Church 
  • Monday, January 18th - No School in honor of MLK 

English Language Arts

We will not have our weekly regular spelling homework and words as our spelling will focus on the 7 continents, 5 oceans, and then the 50 states. This will be the process for the next 6 weeks of school. 

Grammar - We will have a quiz on Adjectives on Thursday. 

Reading - We are going to be moving onto Lesson 13 in our reading textbook and looking at the skill of Sequence of Events. We will have a test on this skill on Friday, January 15th. We have been talking about this skill for over a month now. 

Writing - We will begin to review state report research expectations and find out what state each student will be researching. 

Social Studies

We will continue to talk about the 7 continents and 5 oceans. All students will have a quiz on them on Friday, January 15th. 

Students will be expected to properly spell each continent and ocean name as well as locate them on a map. 


We are continuing working with division.  This week we will spend time using the strategy of the Area Model with division.  Later in the week we will discuss factors and whether a number is prime or composite.


We are continuing our chapter on Energy.  This week we will learn about Sound.  Chapter 12 Lesson 2 


We will be reviewing the Seven Sacraments.  This week the focus is Eucharist.
We will be using our Finding God book and reading Session 17.