Sunday, September 6, 2020

Hybrid Week September 8th to September 11th

 Hello September and Hello Autumn! - Veranda Pensacola

Hello Families, 

This is our Fourth Grade blog. Each week, usually Mondays, we will update the blog with information similar to what you have been receiving in the weekly agenda. We will divide the blog post up by subject area and list out what is going to be covered as well any assessments that are coming up. We will also put any important information going on in the school community.  We will send the link out each Monday. This is a super handy "week at a glance." 

We are excited to see our students back in person, but we are also committed and excited to learn and grow with our students online. This is going to be a whole new process for all of us, so please be patient with us as we get used to the new way of teaching and learning. 

Looking Ahead....

  • Wednesday, September 9th - Mass -We will be attending Mass in the Church at 9:30 AM. The link will be shared via Google Classroom for our students at home always.
  • Friday, September 18th - Retreat for those receiving Sacraments in September - More information to come soon. 
  • Saturday, September 19th - First Communion and Confirmation Mass at 10 AM in the Church 

English Language Arts

Spelling - We will begin with Lesson 3 words on Thursday and Friday of this week. Each week, students will have the opportunity to take a spelling pretest, and if they get a 100% on the pretest, they do not need to take the test at the end of the week. They will still be responsible for the homework though. 

Our typical spelling procedure is as follows: spelling pretest and homework given on Fridays and homework and spelling test is the following Thursday. 

Reading - We will begin to look at Lesson 3 toward the end of this week. 

Social Studies 

We are going to begin work in Chapter 3: Early People of AZ. We will be learning about the first people who settled here.


We will continue with Rounding to any place value. 

The weekly goal for Dreambox will remain the same all year; 40 minutes AND 5 lessons.  You can log your student's progress on the Parent Dashboard. Directions to get there went home at the beginning of the year. Email Mrs. Ezell with any question as she just set up her daughters. 


We will continue learning about The Human Body. Students will complete a Nearpod Student Paced Activity on the Respiratory System. 


Students will be completing their altar cloth squares in class and at home in preparation for Sacraments. 

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