Monday, October 21, 2019


Image result for clipart of the united states

Happy Monday Families,

This week, marks our final week with our 50 States unit. The students have been working very hard the past six weeks and are ready to show off what they know!

The BIG 100 point quiz is this WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23RD! Their state project is due Friday, October 25th, and so far they look amazing!!

Looking Ahead...
  • Thursday, October 31st - 4th Grade Halloween Party @ 1:45 to 2:45
  • Friday, November 1st - All Saint's Day Mass @ 8:30 in the Church 
English Language Arts

Grammar - Our "check-in" assessment has been PUSHED BACK to Friday, October 25th. We will be talking about Proper Nouns this week, and then moving to Verbs.

Reading - We will be looking at Lesson 6 and the skill of story structure.

NEW -  Spelling begins Friday of this week - Beginning this Friday and as we move forward in the school year, students will receive their spelling list and menu choice board of homework every Friday unless directed by the teacher. Students will be expected to complete 4 taks for the week and it will be due Thursday of the following week. 

Spelling pretests are given on Friday, and spelling tests are the following Thursday. If a student gets a 100% on the pretest, they are not required to take the test, but still need to do the homework. 

Social Studies 

We are wrapping up our state unit with our final test, projects, and postcards.


We are finishing up our metric module. We will begin our third module which includes multi-digit multiplication and division. In the first lesson, we will use the formulas for area and perimeter. This will lead us into the concept of using arrays to represent a multiplication fact.


Investigation 3 is learning about the microscope. The students will use the skills on how to properly use a compound microscope. We will be tested on the vocabulary this Friday (page 22).


We are beginning our Joyful Mysteries. The students will work in groups to prepare posters for our  St. Vincent de Paul service project.

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