Monday, March 4, 2019

Hello March

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March is here! This week we only have 4 school days. Please note on your calendars that we have a four-day weekend coming up!

Looking Ahead...
  • Wednesday, March 6th - Ash Wednesday Mass - ***note the earlier Mass time*** 8:30 AM Mass in the Church 
  • Friday, March 8th - No School 
  • Monday, March 11th - No School 
English Language Arts

There will be a spelling test on Thursday, March 7th. All the students received homework last Friday, which includes completing 4 tasks.

Grammar - We will continue to look at Adverbs. We will have a quiz on BOTH Adjectives and Adverbs on Thursday, March 7th. 

Reading - We will be reading Hercules, a myth. We will stay with this story and skill for the next two weeks. Students will also do a compare and contrast the story to the movie. There will be a quiz NEXT WEEK on this story.

Social Studies 

We will be back in the computer lab this week to continue our work on our Early People of Arizona Google Slides presentations.


We are finding equivalent fractions using a tape diagram, manipulatives, and multiplication.


We are constructing and measuring angles. We are solving for the missing angle.


We are making our Lenten promises. We are keeping in mind Prayer, Fasting, and Giving Alms. The students will also be working in their Totally Lent books.

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