Wednesday, January 23, 2019

4 Day School Week

Image result for dr. king clip art

Happy Wednesday Families! Yesterday, we honored Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and all that he fought for in our world. The students will read a passage about him and discuss the changes he fought so hard for. They will continue this conversation over the next several weeks as each fourth grader is reading about an influential African American for their book project.

Looking Ahead...
  • Sunday, January 27th - Family Mass at 9:00 AM to kick off Catholic School's Week
  • Tuesday, January 28th - Talent Show at 9:30 AM
  • Wednesday, January 29th - All School Mass
English Language Arts

There are no spelling words this week.

Grammar - We will look at the review skills of synonyms, antonyms, prefixes, and suffixes over the next weeks.

Reading - We will look at the skill of Text and Graphic Features. Students will be working on an in-class project to show understanding of these features.We will work on this story and skill for the next two weeks.

Social Studies 

We will continue to read about the Early People of Arizona. This week, we will focus on the Anasazi and write our own Anasazi recipes.


We are still working on Division. Our main focus is using the standard algorithm with speed and accuracy. Part of our problems are the fact that students still do not have mastery of the basic facts. Keep practicing! This week will focus on the x7s. We are also going to list all the factors of numbers and determine whether or not a number is prime or composite.


The investigation this week is on the pH of matter. The students will learn that the pH scale goes from 0 to 14. Acidic matter ranges from 0 to 6, and basic matter goes from 8 to 14. 7 is neutral (water).


The students are finishing up a review of the Sacraments by making a foldable.

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