Monday, January 28, 2019

Catholic School's Week 2019

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Happy National Catholic School's Week!

We thank you all so much for choosing Catholic education! It is such a joy to be a part of the Catholic school community! Make sure to read the eblast for a list of this week's festivities. 

4th grade is asked to bring in TRAVEL SIZE TOOTHPASTE AND TOOTHBRUSHES for our blessing bag service project on Friday. 

Looking Ahead..
  • Tuesday, January 29th - Talent Show at 9:30 AM 
  • Wednesday, January 30th - Mass in the grass at 2:00 PM 
  • Thursday, January 31st - Pep Rally at 2:00 PM  BRING IN YOUR SERVICE PROJECT ITEM 
English Language Arts

We will continue to work with Lesson 14 from the Journey's textbook.

There will be a spelling test on Thursday, January 31st.

Grammar - We will review prefixes and suffixes.

Reading - We have been talking all things Text and Graphic Features. This week, students will go on a scavenger hunt in newspapers and magazines and "hunt" for these features. There will be a quiz on Friday, February 1st. 

Social Studies

We will finish reading about The Early People of Arizona. We have learned 17 new vocabulary words from the past 5 lessons. There will be a quiz over these words on Tuesday, February 5th. Students have their flash cards and last Friday in class we worked on creating some fun word searches and Tic-Tac-Toe game boards to help us review that we will use this week.

In addition, we will begin to look at our Arizona Birthday card project since Arizona's birthday is just about two weeks away. It will be in an in-class project.


We are working on finding the factors of larger numbers. We are using the divisibility rules for 2, 3, 5, and 10.


We are starting a new module: Forms of Energy. This investigation is focusing on Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy. 


We will finish the Sacrament foldable. We will review the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

4 Day School Week

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Happy Wednesday Families! Yesterday, we honored Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and all that he fought for in our world. The students will read a passage about him and discuss the changes he fought so hard for. They will continue this conversation over the next several weeks as each fourth grader is reading about an influential African American for their book project.

Looking Ahead...
  • Sunday, January 27th - Family Mass at 9:00 AM to kick off Catholic School's Week
  • Tuesday, January 28th - Talent Show at 9:30 AM
  • Wednesday, January 29th - All School Mass
English Language Arts

There are no spelling words this week.

Grammar - We will look at the review skills of synonyms, antonyms, prefixes, and suffixes over the next weeks.

Reading - We will look at the skill of Text and Graphic Features. Students will be working on an in-class project to show understanding of these features.We will work on this story and skill for the next two weeks.

Social Studies 

We will continue to read about the Early People of Arizona. This week, we will focus on the Anasazi and write our own Anasazi recipes.


We are still working on Division. Our main focus is using the standard algorithm with speed and accuracy. Part of our problems are the fact that students still do not have mastery of the basic facts. Keep practicing! This week will focus on the x7s. We are also going to list all the factors of numbers and determine whether or not a number is prime or composite.


The investigation this week is on the pH of matter. The students will learn that the pH scale goes from 0 to 14. Acidic matter ranges from 0 to 6, and basic matter goes from 8 to 14. 7 is neutral (water).


The students are finishing up a review of the Sacraments by making a foldable.

Monday, January 14, 2019

January = Organization Time

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Hello Families!

Thank you to all for a successful trip last Friday! The students did wonderfully and it was a great day!

As we head into the month of January, we will be stressing to our students the importance of staying organized. We keep telling them that; starting strong will make things easier as the last several months of school unfold. So, we ask for your help in making sure that your child is utilizing their agenda daily and keeping a clean and neat accordion file and backpack.

Looking Ahead...
  • Friday, January 18th - Free Dress Friday for any students who bring in a new sports item, game, or gift card for this year's Fun Fest. 
  • Friday, January 18th - Pizza Friday: Pre-orders are recommended and flyers went home last week. 
  • Monday, January 21st - NO SCHOOL in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 
English Language Arts

The students will have a spelling test on Thursday, January 17th. 

Grammar - We will continue to work on the skill of Possessive Nouns. There will be a quiz on this skill on Friday, January 18th. 

Reading - The skill we will be looking at is very familiar to the students: Sequence of Events. There will be a comprehension quiz on Friday, January 18th. 

Social Studies 

We will begin to look at Chapter 3: The Early People of Arizona.


We are still working on Division. We will be working with problems that may or may not have a remainder.

We are taking the x6s quiz on Friday.


We will be testing on all that we learned at the caverns. Please study the cave formation names.

We will be reviewing the investigation regarding Changing Matter with a focus on chemical changes and physical changes.


We will begin to review the Sacraments: beginning with Reconciliation and Eucharist.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Happy New Year!

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Happy New Year! Many blessings and love to each of you in this new year! We are so excited to be back and in a good routine. As we start the new year, please check in with your child to see if they are in need of any new school supplies such as:
  • pencils
  • crayons
  • markers
  • erasers
  • scissors
  • lined paper
Looking ahead....
  • Wednesday, January 9th - All School Mass @ 9:30 in the Church 
  • Friday, January 11th - Field Trip[ to Kartchner Caverns (PLEASE READ EMAIL FOR DETAILS) 
  • Tuesday, January 15th and Wednesday, January 16th - Talent Show Auditions after school in the Junior High classrooms located in the commons
  • Monday, January 21st - No School - MLK Holiday 
English Language Arts

The students will have modified spelling homework this week. There will be a spelling test on Thursday, January 10th. 

Reading - We will be looking at Lesson 12 in our Journey's textbook: Sequence of Events. The students will work on activities in class that will take the place of a quiz score this week due to our field trip on Friday.

Grammar - We will begin talking about Possessive Nouns. There will be an assessment sometime next week.

Writing - We will be discussing and writing about our winter break by way of #wintergrams. It is such a fun way for everyone to share about their holidays and at the same time incorporate something familiar to them; social media.

Social Studies

Our focus this week is preparing for our Kartchner Caverns field trip. We will be talking Arizona's land, cave's, field trip expectations, and San Xavier del Bac Mission. Fr Kino, a Jesuit, played a major role in developing this Mission.


Division, division, division! We are using the place value chart, the standard algorithm, and checking our work using multiplication. We are only doing problems with a single-digit divisor. The problems may or may not have a remainder.

The x5s test for a grade will take place Thursday, January 10th.


We are learning about how limestone caves are formed, and in the lab we are focusing on chemical changes vs. physical changes.


We are becoming experts on the Mission San Xavier del Bac.