Monday, May 7, 2018

May Crowning

Image result for May Crowning image
Hello Families,

This Wednesday, May 9th, we gather as a school community to honor our Blessed Mother Mary. Mass is at 10:30 in the Churc. 

Thank you to all the parents who came out last week for our Book Tasting Party. It was a HUGE success! If you weren't able to attend, no worries. I have included below some pictures from the event. 

Looking Ahead...
  • Tuesday, May 8th - School viewing of the Spring Concert @ 9:00 AM - Evening performance is at 6:30 PM at XCP 
  • Wednesday, May 9th - STAR Math test in the morning 
  • Wednesday, May 9th - All School Mass - May Crowning 
English Language Arts

We will continue reading Stone Fox and completing our daily activities associated with each chapter.

A few pictures from last week's Book Tasting Party.

Social Studies

We will begin the last two units of Social Studies, which are economics and the Three Branches of Government.

Image result for three branches of government and money clip art

We will be continuing to add and subtract fractions. We will be using mixed numbers and all the answers need to be in simplest form.


We are finishing our Human Body Unit.


We will talk about May this week and incorporate a Mother's Day activity.

A Special Thank You from Mrs. Ezell

I wanted to take a moment to thank each of you for all of the love, support, and generous donations you made towards the purchase of my new IrisVision glasses. For those of you who do not remember,  I have been visually impaired since age 12, and currently I use low-vision assistive technology to help me in my daily activities. With advances in technology, there has been the creation of IrisVision glasses. IrisVision has teamed up with Samsung and several universities such as UCLA, Cal Berkeley, and John Hopkins, to create these amazing glasses though the use of virtual reality goggles and magnifiers. The glasses will assist people who are visually impaired to see things easier. My vision is normally 20/240 (legally blind is 20/200) and with the glasses on my vision is 20/30. I am in complete awe as these will change the way I do and see things on a daily basis. Additionally, I am in awe at the generous donations people have come forward with to help me purchase these glasses. I am humbled and touched by the love from your children and your families. I will forever be grateful to each of you for this gift. The glasses are arriving today and I will be using these last few weeks of school.....yay!!!!

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