Monday, February 5, 2018

Celebrating Black History Month

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Hello Fourth Grade Families,

We hope you enjoyed your weekend and the beautiful weather we had! As the month of February, we celebrate the many lives of influential African Americans. Throughout the entire month, students will be learning about the impact these remarkable people left behind.

Looking Ahead...
  • Tuesday, February 13th - Mardri Gras "Valentine's Day" Party @ 2:00 PM
  • Wednesday, February 14th - Ash Wednesday Mass @ 8:30
  • Wednesday, March 28th - Living Stations of the Cross prayed by the 4th grades @ 9:30 AM in the Church - SAVE THIS DATE as this is a beautiful prayer
English Language Arts

There is no formal spelling homework. The students will make spelling cards in class to use for spelling games. Students will come home a list of the words on Monday. The spelling test will be Thursday, February 8th. 

The grammar skill for this week focuses on Irregular Verbs. Students will have a test on this skill on Friday, February 9th. 

The reading skill for this week focuses on Main Idea and Detail. Students will work on summarizing a section of the text by identifying the main idea and supporting details. There will be a reading test on Friday, February 9th. 

Writing - Students will begin writing an informative piece by researching and learning about an influential African American. 

Social Studies

Students will continue reading about the Early People of Arizona and their contributions. 

We will also spend some time reading books, watching videos, and writing about Black History month. 


We will focusing on division word problems with remainders. We will be using the array and area models. 


We are working on Chapter 12, Lesson 4 - Electricity. 


We are beginning our preparation for Lent, which starts next week. 

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