Monday, February 26, 2018

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

Image result for dr. seuss clip art

Happy Monday!

This week marks the beginning of March and famous author, Dr. Seuss's birthday! In honor of him, on Friday, we will read with our Preschool buddies some of his favorite books.

Looking ahead..

  • Wednesday, February 28th - Grades 3-5 Mass at Brophy Chapel at 10:30 AM
  • Saturday, March 3rd - Fiesta Fun Fest 9:30 to 3:00

English Language Arts

We will have a spelling test on Thursday, March 1st. There is no spelling homework, but students will have spelling cards and the list of words to review from.

We will review the 3 types of Figurative Language we have been talking about: similes, metaphors, and personification.

We will look at what adverbs are and how they can make us stronger writers.

We will look at an informational text piece this week and test on Friday, March 2nd.


Social Studies

We will finish reading about the Early People of Arizona and begin to work on our Group Google Slides Presentation.


We will be working on division with and without remainders using the area model.


We will be constructing lines, rays, line segments, and angles.


We will continue working in our Totally Lent workbook.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Happy President's Day!

Image result for presidents day clipartHello and Happy Tuesday!

We hope you enjoyed your extra long weekend and the beautiful weather we had here in Phoenix!

As we embark on our journey through Lent, let us not "give up" one of our favorites but let's do something kind for others. Join us next Wednesday, February 28th from 4:30 to 6:30 at St. Vincent de Paul as we partner with Mini Vinnies. Mrs. Grucky and I will both be there serving our community, and we would love for you and your child to join us. Mr. Westerfield has already blocked out all the sign up times for a 4th grade night; however, we would like to get a head count to him. Let us know if you can come. 

Looking Ahead...
  • Friday, February 23rd - Arupe Marketplace - please send in small bills; $1s and $5s
  • Friday, February 23rd - 2nd Trimester Report Cards available for view via Grade Link
  • Wednesday, February 28th - Mini Vinnies at 4:30
  • Wednesday, March 28th - Living Stations of the Cross prayed by the 4th grade @ 9:30

English Language Arts

We are continuing to work with lesson 16. 
  • There will be a spelling test on Thursday, February 22nd. 
  • There will be a reading test on the skill of compare and contrast on Friday, February 23rd. 
  • There will be a grammar test on the skill of adjectives on Friday, February 23rd. 
We will continue talking about the various types of figurative language, and we will talk about personification: giving human characteristics to something non-human.

Social Studies

We will continue reading about influential African Americans. This week will focus on Ruby Bridges.


We are continuing working on division. We will be using the place value chart, the standard algorithm, and we will check our work using multiplication.


We will finish the Electric Circuit Quiz Board this week.

Then, during the third trimester, I will be using my Science time to teach Geometry; that will begin this week.


We are using our "Totally Lent" workbooks from Phflaum.

If anyone is interested, training for new altar servers is Thursday, February 22nd from 3:30 to 4:30 or Saturday, February 24th from 1 to 2. Both training will take place at the Church.

Monday, February 12, 2018

With Love

Image result for valentine's day clipart

Happy Fat Tuesday! Happy Valentine's Day! 

This week is filled with fun celebrations as well as a time to prepare and reflect as Lent begins. We have Mass on Wednesday (Ash Wednesday) at 8:30 AM in the Church.

We will celebrate Valentine's Day with a Madri Gras themed party on Tuesday afternoon. Students will be able to pass out their valentines on this day.

Image result for Mardi Gras clip art


English Language Arts

We will spend the next 2 weeks on Lesson 16.

There will NOT be a spelling test this week. We will make spelling cards this week, but students will be tested on the words next Thursday, February 22nd.

We will talk about adjectives and their importance in stretching our writing.

We will begin learning about Figurative Language. This week, we will focus on Similes and Metaphor.

Our reading skill for this lesson is compare and contrast. We will apply this skill to a variety of texts.

Social Studies

We will be reading about President George Washington and President Abraham Lincoln through text, videos, and a STEM activity that we are doing with the second graders.


We are working on division with and without remainders. We will be using the standard algorithm and area model.


We are continuing our lessons on Electricity. Students will be working on creating an Electric Circuit Quiz Board in class.


As we enter into the season of Lent, we will pray the Examine daily as a school.The students will be doing Lenten activities using the Pflaum Booklet.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Celebrating Black History Month

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Hello Fourth Grade Families,

We hope you enjoyed your weekend and the beautiful weather we had! As the month of February, we celebrate the many lives of influential African Americans. Throughout the entire month, students will be learning about the impact these remarkable people left behind.

Looking Ahead...
  • Tuesday, February 13th - Mardri Gras "Valentine's Day" Party @ 2:00 PM
  • Wednesday, February 14th - Ash Wednesday Mass @ 8:30
  • Wednesday, March 28th - Living Stations of the Cross prayed by the 4th grades @ 9:30 AM in the Church - SAVE THIS DATE as this is a beautiful prayer
English Language Arts

There is no formal spelling homework. The students will make spelling cards in class to use for spelling games. Students will come home a list of the words on Monday. The spelling test will be Thursday, February 8th. 

The grammar skill for this week focuses on Irregular Verbs. Students will have a test on this skill on Friday, February 9th. 

The reading skill for this week focuses on Main Idea and Detail. Students will work on summarizing a section of the text by identifying the main idea and supporting details. There will be a reading test on Friday, February 9th. 

Writing - Students will begin writing an informative piece by researching and learning about an influential African American. 

Social Studies

Students will continue reading about the Early People of Arizona and their contributions. 

We will also spend some time reading books, watching videos, and writing about Black History month. 


We will focusing on division word problems with remainders. We will be using the array and area models. 


We are working on Chapter 12, Lesson 4 - Electricity. 


We are beginning our preparation for Lent, which starts next week.