Monday, January 22, 2018

Staying Organized

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Hello Fourth Grade Families,

As we settle into the new year, please continue to partner with us as we foster independence and responsibility for your students. The work load will begin to increase as we prepare them for the next grade. We have high expectations for our students and we know they can rise to the occasion. Let's encourage our children to be prepared for class by using their agenda and accordion file daily to stay organized.

Coming Up.....

  • Friday, January 26th - Free Dress Day for students who donate a new sports item or game for the Fun Fest. 
  • Sunday, January 28th to Friday, February 2 - Catholic School's Week (More information to come) 
  • Sunday, January 28th - Kick Off Mass at 9:00 AM. This Mass is also Fr. George's initiation celebration as our new Pastor. 

English Language Arts

I accidentally forgot to hand out spelling homework last Friday. The students will have a modified assignment going into this week. There will be a spelling test on Thursday, January 25th. 
  • The grammar test on possessive nouns is tomorrow, Tuesday, January 23rd. 
  • We will begin to learn and apply the skill of Greek of Latin Root Words. 
  • We will continue to work on the skill of Sequence of events. 
Students will have a reading test on Friday, January 26th. 

Social Studies

We are reading about the Early People of Arizona. Students will be taking notes on the different Native American tribes' food, building type, things they made, and disappearance theories. 


We are still working on multiplication of multi-digit by single-digit. We will use the area model, partial products, and the standard algorithm.


We are continuing in the Energy unit. This week we will focus on Sound. 


We are continuing discussing the 7 Sacraments. 

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