Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Hello 17-18 School Year!

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Welcome Fourth Grade Families!

We hope you enjoyed your summer vacations and are ready to get back into a steady routine! This school year is going to be amazing! We are so excited to begin the Fourth Grade journey with your children.

This blog will be updated weekly and sent to you via email every Monday. Please use this blog to keep up with what is going on in our rooms and around school.

Looking ahead...
  • Tuesday, August 15th - All School Mass
  • Friday, August 18th - All School Mass @ 10 at Brophy Gym 
  • Friday, August 18th - DISMISSAL IS AT NOON!!!!!
  • Wednesday, August 23rd - 6:00 to 7:00 PM Back to School Night in the classroom (Parents only please)

English Language Arts

Weekly Spelling Routine 

Every Friday, students will receive their spelling words and homework. The homework will be due the following Thursday. The students will be assessed on the spelling words every Thursday. There will be a spelling test this Thursday, August 17th. 

Grammar - Students will review the parts of a sentence. 

Reading - Students will be focusing on the skill of story structure. We will be using the story Because of Winn Dixie, which was our summer reading, as a refresher. Students will work on activities in class this week in lieu of a comprehension assessment. 

Social Studies 

We will start our year off with a review on the 7 continents, longitude, and latitude. Then we will shift our attention on the Regions of the United States. 


We are jumping right in with Place Value. The students will use place value charts and manipulatives to make sure they have a solid foundation of number sense. 

Dreambox will be a regular part of the students' math homework. If we can get our logins and passwords up and running, there will be Dreambox homework this week. Check your child's agenda. 


We will begin our Mystery Powders unit. We are focusing on the steps of the Scientific Method. 


Tuesday is the feast day of the Assumption. It is a holy day of obligation and we will attend Mass as a school. This week, we will discuss the difference between the Assumption, the Ascension, the Immaculate Conception, and the Annunciation. We will also discuss and practice responses at Mass. 

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