Monday, April 30, 2018

Hello May

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Can you believe that May is here already!? We have a busy week ahead of and it is a short one. 

Looking Ahead...
  • Tuesday, May 1st - Viewing of the movie, Screenagers, required for ALL Fourth Graders. Please arrive by 5:45 in order to check in with teacher. There is a required assignment that will follow the movie, which will be entered as a grade under Religion. 
  • Wednesday, May 2nd - Move-Up Day: 4th graders will go to 5th grade
  • Thursday, May 3rd - Frosh Follies Play at 10:00 at XCP
  • Thursday, May 3rd - Book Tasting Party at 2:00 pm - all parents are welcome to join us 
  • Friday, May 4th - NO SCHOOL 
***STAR Reading will be on Wednesday, May 2nd in the morning. 

***STAR Math will be next Wednesday, May 9th in the morning. 

Please make sure they are well-rested and well-fed. We want them to do their best and take it seriously. 

English Language Arts

This week we begin our reading of Stone Fox. Each day we will read a chapter from the book and follow it up with small group discussions and journal entries. At the end of each week, we will work on vocabulary and reading skills that go along with the chapters we read.

Image result for stone fox images

Social Studies

We will finish up our Life on a Mission Journal Entries.


We are continuing our work with Fractions. We will be adding, subtracting, and putting our answers in simplest form. We will also be working with mixed numbers.


We will be studying the Digestive System.


We will be discussing the movie, Screenagers. There will be a family assignment that goes home Tuesday night that ALL students must be complete by Friday, May 11th.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Happy Earth Day

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Happy Monday Families!

We have 5 weeks left of the school year. Please continue to encourage your child to do their best these last several weeks. We are at that point in the year where the silliness can begin, and we definitely want to and will have fun; however, we still have lots of things to accomplish.

Looking Ahead....
  • Wednesday, April 25th - SFX Spanish Bee in the morning
  • Wednesday, April 25th - SFX Student Council Elections (grades 4-7 will listen to speeches and vote for who will be the new officers)
  • Thursday, April 26th - SFX Spaghetti Dinner @ 4:45
  • Tuesday, May 1st - Viewing of the movie Screenagers in the gym from 6 to 7:30 - all students in grades 4-7 must attend with one parent 
  • Thursday, May 3rd - Book Tasting Party in the classrooms from 2:00 to 2:45 - All Parents are welcome to attend
  • Friday, May 4th - NO SCHOOL 
  • Wednesday, May 23rd - End of the Year Mass and Awards Ceremony
  • Friday, May 25th - Half Day and End of the Year Party - dismissal is at 1:15
Look at how AMAZING our Geo-trees turned out! 

English Language Arts

This will be our last week using the Journey's Reading Series. Next week will begin our novel study on the book, Stone Fox. 

We will have our last spelling test of the year this Thursday, April 26th.

We will review the importance of punctuation through a variety of hands on games.

Our story this week is Information Text with a focus on Text and Graphic Features. Students will review this skill by creating a brochure or a magazine cover highlighting key parts of the story using text and graphic features.

We will wrap up our Poetry unit this week. The students have written some amazing poems! We will have a poetry reading on Friday, April 27th in honor of National Poetry Day.

Social Studies

We will finish our timelines this week and begin to work on a project that involves creating journal entries based on mission life.


We are continuing with Fractions and our focus is on simplest form. We are going to use a tape diagram, number line, and division to demonstrate knowledge.


We are continuing our Human Body unit. We will learn about the skeletal, muscular, and integumentary (skin and hair) systems .


We will review Sacraments and play the Sacrament game.

Monday, April 16, 2018

April Showers Bring May Fowers

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Hello Families,

While we all wish we had some April showers right about now instead we just have warm days. Please encourage your child to bring a water bottle to school to stay hydrated.

Please bring in any shoes you would like to discard to the front gate this week. The Fourth Grade Girl Scout Troop is doing an Earth Day project with them.

Looking Ahead...
  • Wednesday, April 18th - All School Mass @ 10:30 in the Church
  • Friday, April 20th and Saturday, April 21st - Spring Play - Beauty and the Beast 
  • Thursday, April 26th -  Spaghetti Dinner @ 4:45 in the school gym 
  • Tuesday, May 1st - Viewing of the movie, Screenagers - required for 4th grade students to attend with one parent and sign in with teachers. Please mark your family calendars because this is mandatory for all incoming 5th graders.  

English Language Arts

There will be a spelling test on Thursday, April 19th. All students will go home with a list of words on Monday.

We will continue working on comparative and superlative adjectives. There will be an assessment on this skill on Friday, April 20th.

We will have a reading assessment covering the skill of Cause and Effect on Friday, April 20th.

We will continue talking about different types of poetry.

Social Studies

We will continue to work on our Spanish Explorers and Missionaries Timeline, which is aligned to our Chapter 5 readings.


We are starting our Fractions module. The students will begin with equivalent fractions.


We will begin our unit on The Human Body.


The students will memorize the Suscipe. We will also continue with learning the vocabulary for the sacred vessels and terminology used during Mass.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Welcome Back from Break!

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Hello Families,

We hope you had a wonderful and restful Spring Break! The warmer weather is upon us and the school year will soon begin to wind down. Please continue to stay current and up to speed on the ins and outs of our school and classrooms by reading the Weekly E-blast and weekly blog.

Both classrooms are in DESPERATE need of pencils. Please check with your child to ensure they have all the necessary supplies in order to be prepared for the school day.

For the month of May, we will be doing a novel study on the book Stone Fox. We will need to share books in class. So, if your child prefers to have their own, please consider purchasing it ahead of time. You can use our class Scholastic Book Club to purchase one, Half Priced Books, Changing Hands Bookstore, or even Amazon.

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English Language Arts

All students will receive a list of the spelling words on Monday. Students will be required to write a creative paragraph containing 8 to 12 sentences using at least 10 spelling words. This assignment will be done via Google Classroom. The spelling test will be Thursday, April 12th.

We will begin to look at comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs.

We will talk about the reading skill, Theme.

April is National Poetry Month. Students will continue to discuss, identify, and write all types of figurative language that can be found in poems. We will spend some time writing our won as well.

Prior to break, all students received directions for this month's book project, which is a Book Tasting. Students were asked to select any fiction chapter book. They were given specific guidelines and will receive their place mat this week. All projects are due Monday, April 30th. Our Book Tasting Party will take place on Thursday, May 3rd. An invitation will be coming home this week for any and all parents to join us.

Social Studies

We will spend time reading and working on Chapter 5 in our Discovering Arizona textbook.


We are doing double-digit by double-digit multiplication. We are using the area model and the standard algorithm.


Triangles, triangles, triangles!

The students will identify and construct:

  • acute, obtuse, right
  • equilateral, scalene, isosceles


The students will gain a deeper understanding of the Mass. They will learn the terminology of the vessels used and the clothing worn by the Priests.